you did well detailing and animating the characters but you got lazy on the backgrounds, this movie would be much better with backgrounds
you did well detailing and animating the characters but you got lazy on the backgrounds, this movie would be much better with backgrounds
Well I origanally was gonna make everything really shitty. Mostly cause i never intended it to go on newgrounds but eventually i thought why not lets sdee how it does. but after using some okay art for the characters resempling us, I decided to do the accual animating well and leacve the back grounds shitty and colour less.
I'll fix it in future projects
I must say...
...this movies always does the trick for giving me a large erection
You are jesus.
funny, that was just great!
Glad you liked!
very good effort
Thanx I was working onnit for a while
if we only had a teacup
this would be just like playing find the tea cup in the bed sheets like i used to with my aunt sophia...i mean, kick ass movie
erm....thanks and good luck with that ummm tea cup
ok, the graphics sucked, the animation wasn't much better,and face it you guys
YOU AREN'T FUNNY stop trying, a bunch of corny jokes that don't make sense don't make people laugh...well normal people. maybe if you didn't try so hard to be funny, it wouldn't suck.
First of all, get a sense of humor dickhead. This shit is funny, so dont be a whiny asshole. Were funny so fuck you.
yes! awesome movie, but im afriad my favorite puppet show flash is still potter puppet pals...Es war sehr gut, aufviedersehen.
haha yeah, thats my fave too! And uhh,"Es war sehr gut, aufviedersehen" If I know anything, I shall say: SHVINE HUNT or uhh, VOOTINBAH! I have no idea how to spell that stuff, but im sure you know what they mean! :D
yaaay! good job
I just got done reading that in my class
i fucking hate that book...but good animation DESTROY THE CONCH...DESTROOOOOYYYY! lol, would have been interesting to see piggy's ordeal with his head, the boulder and the long fall down the mountai, and simon...oh well, good job(the book sucks!)
I have to say I'm not a fan of the book myself but it was either do this animation or write an essay... and I swear my head will freakin explode if I do much more writing in that class... glad you liked it :)
i dont personally like the music(only anopinion)
but that was a helluva good flash
yeah, i generally dont do music with words etc...more classic music and the like, my friend asked me to "see what you can do" with the song his friends band made.
Fun fact: most of my flash content was made when I was a dumb kid with untreated adhd, depression, ptsd, all that fun shit. Now I'm a dumb adult and making some steps toward less fucked up head and make some music. Main point is just be yourself and enjoy
Age 37
Worker Bee
Joined on 6/27/01